Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 15

Assignment 15

Q Depending on the textbook you have, choose questions a (based on readings from Exploring Criminal Justice - the essentials: Part V chapter 14 – Terrorism and Cybercrime) or b (based on readings from Criminal Justice - Mainstream and crosscurrents: Part V chapter 16 – Peacemaking criminology and Restorative Justice). 1. a. Describe the Patriot Act (2001): The justification, the necessity, use and modifications. Show the development of the Freedom Act (2015) and what are the current legal limitations of gathering information by DHS. b. "…Americans are willing to cede greater authority to government agencies to prevent terrorism" (p.580). Write a paragraph (min 30 lines) about the public's willingness to sacrifice some of their privacy for that purpose, but not for fighting day-to-day crime which affects them a lot more. 2. a. Find in the textbook the list of major terrorist events and check out the incident which took place on April 14th 1993. The details of what happened can be found online and especially here. Write a summary of the event and what followed. b. Discuss the establishment of the DHS – Why was it established, what were the conditions allowing it to grow, and what responsibilities does it have today. 3. a. Give 2-3 examples which illustrate the effectiveness of the police response to terrorism. b. How do terrorism is changing the Criminal Justice System (min 30 lines)? 4. a. Jullian Assanges' Wikileaks had published top secret documents which caused considerable damage, all in the name of the public's right to know. Write a paragraph about the "right to know" vs. the responsibility to keep American soldiers safe and national interests intact. b. Cybercrime used to get little attention because it is non-violent, but in reality it is widespread and just as dangerous to the general public. Write a paragraph about the dangers of cybercrime and give examples.

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B) Privacy is mainly the knack of any person or may be of any group of persons to withdraw themselves or information about themselves and so forth express have a platform to express themselves selectively. Usually, the restrictions and the facts especially the ones that do segregate amid various cultures as well as individuals rather are found to share common themes. The fact is that, when something is private to a person, it does mean that, there is something private to every individual.